Friday, October 21, 2005

Is it really "MY" life!

Why I really like to talk about it? Because we all have it and at times fail to use it. Constructive or destructive is not my arguement. My point to ponder is about it happening and us being oblivious to it. In this essay you may see a lot of excerpts given to my lack of illustrating abilities and of course Google being a plethora of information :-)

Life is a series of patterns. Most of the mathematicians believe so. See movies like "Pi" and "A beautiful mind" to get comforted(?) to this idea. In a given two different situations in two different locations and with two different reacts, thinks and behaves in the same pattern. Does the prior experience makes us think differently? It gives us another perspective and on light of that we assess the second one differently.
Writer Jacqueline Lichtenberg says, "When I look at the real world, I see Life as a pattern of significant and connected challenges. I see a world in which each and every individual has a fighting chance provided they're willing to give up their preconceived notions and step outside their cultural straight jackets to deal with the Unknown on a friendly basis. So Art that depicts the Unknown as a menace-because-it's-a-menace just doesn't "speak" to me. I cannot enter into the conspiracy with the author to step sideways into another universe and become another person for a while."

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