Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Voice of passion & love

Before I die, I vow here to have tried all to conclude my own :-)
Hmmph….my two cents if at all it’s of any worth …
In certain things, I am a purist to the core and chocolate is one of the few things which remain unparalleled.
Maybe that’s why, cocoa that lose their flavor in transition to being commercially available puts me off! I believe that, if you don’t appreciate the “cocoaness” of the chocolate then’s not for you. True to the humankind’s nature: to twist, knot, break or do whatever it takes to get a thing working for us…..well for me cocoa loses itself when its overtly flavored! It is very strong in itself and you cannot, just cannot justify its “cocoaness” if you put other equally strong flavored ingredient. Just like Lindt’s Chilli chocolate(yikes!)
But using cocoa to flavor other culinary experiments will be most welcome by a connoisseur of chocolate like me! Aha..all for the love for chocolates

Tuesday, March 17, 2009 about bottomless pits?

Switch on your telly and there is one of a kind news flashing...every other day Dow reaches a new record low! People losing jobs are at an all time high since the Great Depression!

Oooh ...lala...Every one alive here is anxious to knowa" Where is the END?"

Friday, August 08, 2008

To be OR Yet to be!

6 years since the invented wings took me off from my Janambhoomi......6 years and counting since I set my tiny feet on this Karambhoomi.

Living in this part of the country makes you miss home even more. Its like sailing in the ocean with no supplies ....."water water everywhere, but not a drop to drink" (sigh).

Diwali passed without the smell of firecrackers, Muharram without the hoopla around processions and Holi without getting crazy with colors. Non-existent monsoon, non-existent all year round middle of week festivals and weddings, non-existent two-wheelers, non-existent awesome rail network, non-existent series of complaints with anything and everything....OMG! the list seems endless!
A trip for simple known pleasures of life for 2 weeks: 1300$ + variables
Planning for it (social + professional) : countless hours + excitement
Thought left after the trip: Which life is worth what?

this left me humming one of the songs from a movie which was an early bloomer for the contemporary time then ...........enjoy!

Monday, December 17, 2007

A Gin and Tonic Pls!!

Happy Holidays to All :-)

midweek holy day of Wednesday....Holiday Party....your stiff upper lipped boss loosening up into a mindless chatter, the professional colleague passes silly smiles genuinely to you.....

skewered chicken and shrimps being passed around in dimmed lit space....

glasses tinkering with ice and mmm......whtever you desire!

Friday, June 29, 2007


In the subway I keep coming across this commericial for “windorphins”…..thats how Friday afternoons make me feel. Weekend in its way in, anticipation in joy for the next two days of afternoon siesta… I hear a chuckle(?) its hard to leave the Indian out eh? Mr. Gold and Mr. Mooney’s entertaining and unpredictable life style and decorum…..a couple of synaptic power surges, and the weekend is totaled…..only if we cud get some money out of it. Sigh……………!! Later......

Sisterhood of the "blah-blah" lunches

Now that I have started getting comfortable at my new work place and especially the surroundings….observation and absorption radar is beginning to warm up!

Murky afternoon…Myriad minds…..

One such day was the Friday afternoon lunch with Ms. Muddy Gal, Ms. Cotton, Ms. Swan and Ms. Horns.

Five women with different background, different lifestyles, different aspirations and of course different food habits are brought together at a common playground called architecture. We parked ourselves at an alley turned plaza behind a building which is home to the bulls and bears of the city. Looking at the streets flanked on either side of the plaza…..I notice myself not observing anymore…..magic of mind’s Voidini is it?

Highlights of the luncheon:
Spoke on maximizing benefits from the benefit plans our company provides.
Ms. Horns and Ms. Cotton excitedly spoke about the benefits of investing in 401K plan. Ms. Swan and I expressed a gleeful surprise.
Ms. Swan told about her higher end house rent in Manhattan for which my jaw is still dropped down.
Ms. Muddy Gal spoke about a mind-blowing hot European girl at work.
I got eewwed by Ms. Cotton and Ms. Swan at something I said; guess I am hanging out too much with guys.
Ms. Cotton mentioned about socializing with her and mine significant others on weekends.
Ms. Horns spoke to me fondly about a phone call with her mom.

Monday, March 06, 2006


Basic Rule : positive x positive= +ve
>-ve x <+ve= -ve
<-ve x >+ve= +ve

Lesson learned: Keep negating ur sorrows, fears and and everything that gives u negative energy.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Man ke Manjeere( Cymbals of mind)

Few days ago a noted writer and a poetess Amrita Pritam passed away. I didnot get a chance to read any of her books, but a movie named "Pinjar". I was reading about her work and few of her poems and they gave words to my thoughts in this blog. Its sad yet true that gender-discrimination still exists.
My acquaintances dismiss me sometimes as another modern feminist from the third world! There those last 6 words said it all. I deny and call myself to be aware of the facts around me and I just happen to openly disregard the social and gender norms cast on women of India.

The song "Man ke Manjeere" by Shubha of a woman who is rejoicing at her new found freedom. Its a liberation from the so called norms of the society....The words "Saathi hoon apni main and Mujhko aane laga hai, khud pe hi aaitwaar."

Permanent link of the story : The story of the music video was inspired greatly by the life of a young Muslim woman named Shameem Pathan. Shameem is from the area of Juhapura and is a proud role model for women. The only daughter among seven sons, Shameem was born into a well-to-do-family. She fell in love, and much against the wishes of the family, married the man of her choice. That she had made the wrong choice soon became apparent. Her husband expected her family to support them and refused to work. When her son was three and a half years old, Shameem finally decided to fend for herself. She went through a series of businesses, milk vending, kite-making and doing any job available to make ends meet. Finally, she learned how to drive, an unheard of occupation for a woman in her society. She now drives her own matador van in Ahmedabad, ferrying passengers. Shameem encourages other women to transform their false notions of their own limitations and to reach for their dreams.

These are heroes of the society and most of the times they are ignored as lower section of the society. It takes rare courage to stand up for what you believe in, inspite of having all the odds against you.
While attending primary school I was told to be proud to be a woman. As a school-girl I didnot pay much attention to the underlying philosophy of it. We were told to be strong yet sensitive, considerate of others yet confident of yourself, firm with your principles yet adaptive to different situations. We were taught prose and poems which underlined this in various instances of life. time goes by, we see opposite instances of the values that are taught in school in various forms. One is made to realize that violence comes in various packets......emotional, mental and social. Many times things are made trivial in the name of equality. How many times has one given in to a certain situation because of being a 'woman'! Why are there rules associated with being a woman? Where do they stem from? Its not bitter resentment for the male but the failure to fathom "why we need to follow them?" They say to maintain equilibrium (duh!!), they say to maintain harmony and escape from mid-life crisis.....But what about crisis one has to face throughout one's life? Many girls are made to believe that what happens with them is not injustice but the way a society functions. If someone with exceptional courage stands upto it...they are praised to do the act, but are not accepted as they would have been otherwise.

I still seek these answers...where did these folk go wrong? Is it there upbringing or do they just lose their values in the course of their journey and it boils down to animal instinct of "survival of the fittest."

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Mask or something like that?

What's my Primal Fear?

Crawling, Walking, Running..Hopping?
What path do I take to you?
Fleeting away from my own or the unknown...
(Priyanka Gupta)

Franklin D. Roosevelt's "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself" ....Sometimes I wonder is it that the more you know, more you would fear. You fear something that has happened in your sub-conscious mind. You know it caused you know it got you down and that's what you fear.

At times we don a premature mask of fear to do a proxy act. At time we don mask of "no-fear" when we are scared to death.
Fear of a thing for the first time makes you act on impulse, repetition of it washes your fear away.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Is it really "MY" life!

Why I really like to talk about it? Because we all have it and at times fail to use it. Constructive or destructive is not my arguement. My point to ponder is about it happening and us being oblivious to it. In this essay you may see a lot of excerpts given to my lack of illustrating abilities and of course Google being a plethora of information :-)

Life is a series of patterns. Most of the mathematicians believe so. See movies like "Pi" and "A beautiful mind" to get comforted(?) to this idea. In a given two different situations in two different locations and with two different reacts, thinks and behaves in the same pattern. Does the prior experience makes us think differently? It gives us another perspective and on light of that we assess the second one differently.
Writer Jacqueline Lichtenberg says, "When I look at the real world, I see Life as a pattern of significant and connected challenges. I see a world in which each and every individual has a fighting chance provided they're willing to give up their preconceived notions and step outside their cultural straight jackets to deal with the Unknown on a friendly basis. So Art that depicts the Unknown as a menace-because-it's-a-menace just doesn't "speak" to me. I cannot enter into the conspiracy with the author to step sideways into another universe and become another person for a while."

Friday, September 23, 2005

Celebrating L(IF)E

Hmm....So you r here to read about Life! When in school in the US I was told thats the favorite passtime of people from the third world( In case u r frowning over it...I am from the US for the past 3 years now).

Everyday teaches me something new which in turn realises how wrong I had been in the past. I named my title as I did because that gives options. Looking back I am amazed at what would have happened if I would have opted otherwise in the past 28 years.
Few days ago I saw a movie in which the narrator says "no man is great, but the challenges in life make him great." Never had thought about it till I heard that.
Ever wondered what would have happened if you would have opted for some professional degree which you didnot choose over your current one. What would have happened if you would have married your first crush? What would have happened if you would have given into what people thought is "right" for you...would it really have been right to do that? To do or not to is what it takes.

Questions posed here would give rise to another chain of thoughts......but here again I am talking about "IF"...Life would have been surely different more importantly it would have generated a different you.

Came across this while surfing and it helps me get my point across.

Panna Lal was greatly bothered about the meaning of life. He approached a wise man for guidance. The wise man took him to a stream and filled a pitcher with stream water.

Wise man: (Pointing to the stream) What is that?
Panna Lal: A stream.
Wise man: (Pointing to the pitcher) What is this?
Panna Lal: A pitcherful of stream water.
Wise man: Why don't you call it a stream?
Panna Lal: The water doesn't flow in the pitcher. So it's not a stream.
Wise man: How can it be a stream?
Panna Lal: When you let go of it.

As Panna Lal made the gesture of letting go, he understood what the wise man was driving at. Life is like a flowing stream and the meaning of life is only a pitcherful of water.

So it is....a very simple example but doesn't it feel close to our lives. It is something that we all have but many times let the truth of the whole fact pass us by. Mind takes on to flights when faced with unfathomable problems. It wants to have a little peek at the storehouse of future. The unknowability of the next moment is intrinsic to the nature of life. You never know what is going to come your way. If you knew that, it would be no fun playing.It is about abandoning the dream of a magical future and waking up to the magic of this moment.

As the they say life is not measured by the breaths we take but by moments that take our breath away......

Hmmm......I close my eyes and let the essence of this thought seep inside me.

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