Thursday, October 27, 2005

Mask or something like that?

What's my Primal Fear?

Crawling, Walking, Running..Hopping?
What path do I take to you?
Fleeting away from my own or the unknown...
(Priyanka Gupta)

Franklin D. Roosevelt's "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself" ....Sometimes I wonder is it that the more you know, more you would fear. You fear something that has happened in your sub-conscious mind. You know it caused you know it got you down and that's what you fear.

At times we don a premature mask of fear to do a proxy act. At time we don mask of "no-fear" when we are scared to death.
Fear of a thing for the first time makes you act on impulse, repetition of it washes your fear away.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Is it really "MY" life!

Why I really like to talk about it? Because we all have it and at times fail to use it. Constructive or destructive is not my arguement. My point to ponder is about it happening and us being oblivious to it. In this essay you may see a lot of excerpts given to my lack of illustrating abilities and of course Google being a plethora of information :-)

Life is a series of patterns. Most of the mathematicians believe so. See movies like "Pi" and "A beautiful mind" to get comforted(?) to this idea. In a given two different situations in two different locations and with two different reacts, thinks and behaves in the same pattern. Does the prior experience makes us think differently? It gives us another perspective and on light of that we assess the second one differently.
Writer Jacqueline Lichtenberg says, "When I look at the real world, I see Life as a pattern of significant and connected challenges. I see a world in which each and every individual has a fighting chance provided they're willing to give up their preconceived notions and step outside their cultural straight jackets to deal with the Unknown on a friendly basis. So Art that depicts the Unknown as a menace-because-it's-a-menace just doesn't "speak" to me. I cannot enter into the conspiracy with the author to step sideways into another universe and become another person for a while."

Friday, September 23, 2005

Celebrating L(IF)E

Hmm....So you r here to read about Life! When in school in the US I was told thats the favorite passtime of people from the third world( In case u r frowning over it...I am from the US for the past 3 years now).

Everyday teaches me something new which in turn realises how wrong I had been in the past. I named my title as I did because that gives options. Looking back I am amazed at what would have happened if I would have opted otherwise in the past 28 years.
Few days ago I saw a movie in which the narrator says "no man is great, but the challenges in life make him great." Never had thought about it till I heard that.
Ever wondered what would have happened if you would have opted for some professional degree which you didnot choose over your current one. What would have happened if you would have married your first crush? What would have happened if you would have given into what people thought is "right" for you...would it really have been right to do that? To do or not to is what it takes.

Questions posed here would give rise to another chain of thoughts......but here again I am talking about "IF"...Life would have been surely different more importantly it would have generated a different you.

Came across this while surfing and it helps me get my point across.

Panna Lal was greatly bothered about the meaning of life. He approached a wise man for guidance. The wise man took him to a stream and filled a pitcher with stream water.

Wise man: (Pointing to the stream) What is that?
Panna Lal: A stream.
Wise man: (Pointing to the pitcher) What is this?
Panna Lal: A pitcherful of stream water.
Wise man: Why don't you call it a stream?
Panna Lal: The water doesn't flow in the pitcher. So it's not a stream.
Wise man: How can it be a stream?
Panna Lal: When you let go of it.

As Panna Lal made the gesture of letting go, he understood what the wise man was driving at. Life is like a flowing stream and the meaning of life is only a pitcherful of water.

So it is....a very simple example but doesn't it feel close to our lives. It is something that we all have but many times let the truth of the whole fact pass us by. Mind takes on to flights when faced with unfathomable problems. It wants to have a little peek at the storehouse of future. The unknowability of the next moment is intrinsic to the nature of life. You never know what is going to come your way. If you knew that, it would be no fun playing.It is about abandoning the dream of a magical future and waking up to the magic of this moment.

As the they say life is not measured by the breaths we take but by moments that take our breath away......

Hmmm......I close my eyes and let the essence of this thought seep inside me.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Sinister Me

Sinister me~ Posted by Hello

"Quod me nutrit me destruit"- Latin
Translation: "That which nourishes me also destroys me"

It has happened with everyone. You are your best friend and you are your worst enemy. At times you precisely know this is going to harm you...but u still do it saying "I like to live on the edge." I have done it and am still doing it. Its like being on a high it?

Will you be able to confront your worst fears and your strongest strength if you dont let yourself free.....dare yourself to bare yourself to yourself. Just watch your weaknesses and strengths unfold itself in front of you.....believe me you would become unreachable to ecstacy and agony.
You wont be able to do justice to yourself if you dont bring it out in front of you. They beg to come out, life tries to extract it out of you, but you let practicality come in between.

Dont! because this is your life and you should know yourself before venturing out into it.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Earth as an element!

10 months of 8:00 to 5:00 pm(!..yeah 45 hrs/week) back breaking job and not to forget the completion of whole one year season's cycle. Could I just say "Kudos!"

Just when I am about to pat myself on figuring out the nuances of being self sufficient I am thrown off guard with the numerous (im)possibilities of my wonderful self!
One of the main reasons behind taking up the job offer in Maine was familarising myself with natural construction materials.
This summer I am planning to cool off myself with clay. I am astounded by the sheer capability of earth and water combination!
To realize the potential of this intriguing element....Joined Lincoln Art Center where the cute guy on the front desk emails me everyweek with their center's updates.

More on this post when I rotate the wheel.

Nah......instead sawed logs.

Went to woods in Maine with a group of 19 people and 3 instructors. On a warm Saturday day I literally chopped woods from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm in a jungle in Maine. The team consisted of eager participants who had never sawed before to professional interior designers. For me, I had done interior designing on paper and on site verbally but never had been to the woods to chop them!

The whold day was 'wood'some with blisters on my palm but at the end made a 2' X 2' coffee table. Sold it off to Goodwill for $32! Man it wasn't the best piece of work but then it was mine ;-).

This experience opened up other channels mainly industrial design! Next am trying to enroll myself in metal sculpting/welding classes!

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